Filtering by: PERFORMANCE
CultureHub Telematic Production Class at SeoulArts, Lead by Professor Paciotto Andrea and Yi DanBi
A live performance installation happening in a 3D online venue created by students of the Seoul Institute of the Art, as a result of a special CultureHub telematic production class.
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Mind the Fact, Station Athens Group/Polyplanity Productions, The Trojan Women Project
An interactive performance by immigrant and refugee artists that reflects common struggles, common journeys, and a desire to make a new life.
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Gavin Brehm, Woody Pak
Instrument designer, cognitive scientist, and musician Gavin Brehm takes us on a journey of imagining, designing, and bringing to life a new instrument for music of introspection.
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Nuum Collective
In this third walk memorializing a year of collective separation, we will go for a walk 6 feet apart, yet connected by the sound of our voices in Fort Greene Park.
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Amphibian Stage
Inspired by Pablo Neruda’s Odes to Common Things, Amphibian Stage brings together Texas artists of all disciplines to create performance works that celebrate simple, human-made objects.
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Robert Whitman
Students will dispatch from universities around the world in Kenya, Serbia, Portugal, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States, reporting on what they see through audio and video clips.
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Yo-Yo Lin & Kevin Gotkin
A virtual dance party centering disability nightlife and access magic that blurs the lines between URL/IRL and glitch endlessly.
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Nuum Collective
In this second walk memorializing a year of collective separation, we will go for a walk individually, wherever we happen to be, connected by the sound of our voices.
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John King, Brandon Collwes
Inspired by the concept of a Merce Cunningham “Event,” Sonic Gathering is a structured live collaboration between dancers and musicians.
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Ioana B. Jucan
극심한 분열의 현 시기에 좌파와 우파가 서로 대화하는 것은 불가능한 일처럼 보입니다. 이 대화형 온라인 멀티미티어 퍼포먼스는 인간 배우와 로봇의 대화를 극의 장면으로 연출합니다.
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Nuum Collective
'Walking Mass'는 팬더믹으로 인해 집단 분리(collective separation)를 겪은 지난 1년을 추모하기 위한 행진입니다. 행진은 서로 6 피트 간격으로 떨어져 진행되지만 우리의 목소리만은 하나로 연결 될 것입니다. 관객은 멀리에서 우리를 볼 수 있지만, 가까이에서 우리의 목소리를 들을 수 있습니다. 다음 행진에는 당신이 우리와 함께 할 수 있기를 기대합니다.
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