카트 0
서울예술대학교와 라마마 실험창작단이 공동 설립한 예술과 기술 중심 문화예술 커뮤니티.


June 5-11, 2024

An online broadcast featuring video work and live performances by over 250 artists from 90+ countries.


Re–Fest 2024 is a durational experiment in global participation. CultureHub's annual festival will occur fully online, criss-crossing the globe with a constant stream of short video works interrupted by live segments produced by international partners. The online venue will be open June 5-11 for 24 hours/day.

Watch on a desktop or laptop (not a smartphone/tablet) using Google Chrome. Two videos will stream side by side. Click on either video player to toggle between them. Select which audio you'd like to hear by clicking the speaker icon.

Graphic Design: Shannon Lin


Live Segments


June 5

13:00 ET | 20:00 EAT 
Beshte-Beshte “Welcome to the Friend Zone”
Bold Theatre Kenya Nairobi, Kenya

June 6

11:00 ET 
International Artist Meet-Up
All Video Artists

June 7

12:00 ET | 19:00 EEST 
Good Morning from Ukraine!
NASHi Experimental Theatre Club Kyiv, Ukraine

14:00 ET | 21:00 EEST 
The Motion of the Image
Medrar Egypt

June 8

13:00 ET | 19:00 CEST 
“Crystal strings” / Love songs for a Free Palestine
CultureHub NYC New York, United States
John King United States
Leyya Mona Tawil United States / Syria / Palestine
Myriam Nana Henne-Adda Madrid, Spain
Mercedes Klausner Roubaix, France

20:00 ET | 9:00 KST (Sunday June 9 in Korea) 
The Field
CultureHub Korea Ansan, Korea
Cristián Tàpies Chile
Luigi Voglino Argentina

June 9

15:00 ET | 16:00 BRT | 21:00 CEST 
Terrabytes Glitch Lab Berlin, Germany
MermaidBro420 Germany
dz. Brazil

19:00 PT | 22:00 ET 
Hustle House
CultureHub LA Los Angeles, United States
Jessica Emmanual United States
with Tey Johnson, Jobel Medina, Ian Stahl, Dead Secretary United States

June 10

14:00 ET | 20:00 CEST 
In a blink
Eho Animato Belgrade, Serbia

June 11

14:00 ET | 11:00 PT 
على حافة البحر
Dena Al-Adeeb Iraq / United States
Sholeh Asgary Iran / United States

19:00 ET | 20:00 BRT 
Open Works
Companhia Nova de Teatro São Paulo, Brazil


Video Artists


Open Call

Seeking videos by artists from every country on Earth.


The open call closed on June 3rd. If you have work you would like to include and are from a country listed as “still seeking”, please email!

The theme of Re–Fest 2024 is Re-Source which asks the question: how do we open source Re–Fest so that artists and audiences can participate from anywhere in the world? All types of video work is accepted: short films, music videos, video art, A/V submissions, day-in-the-life content, and more.


LiveLab Broadcaster


Re–Fest 2024 takes place in your web browser using LiveLab Broadcaster, a browser based low-latency live-streaming platform that allows for real time interactions with online audiences. Click here to enter the festival.

There are over 200 video works by artists from 90+ countries that are streaming 24/7 from June 5-11. Watch on a desktop or laptop (not a smartphone/tablet) using Google Chrome. Two videos will stream side by side. Click on either video player to toggle between them. Select which audio you'd like to hear by clicking the speaker icon. Refresh if you experience issues.

The open-source project is supported and used by CultureHub and NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program. It has been used by CultureHub and La MaMa in the following productions: Take 21 (2022), A Few Deep Breaths (2022), Fractals of Prometheus (2023), Downtown Variety Ukraine Edition (2023), The Scam Auction (2024), and Medea (2024).

Developers: Aidan Nelson, Shawn Van Every, Yuguang Zhang

Online Interactions: Shuang Cai, Tuan Huang


Participating Countries

International Partners

ArtNow New Zealand

Bold Theatre Kenya

Companhia Nova de Teatro Brazil

Eho animato Serbia

Medrar Egypt

NASHi Experimental Theatre Club Ukraine

Seoul Institute of the Arts Korea

Terrabytes Glitch Lab Germany