Hi-Fi I Wi-Fi I Sci-Fi

February 2—19, 2017
Presented by CultureHub and La MaMa in association with the Seoul Institute of the Arts

Gay City News,Culturebot,Broadway World,American Theatre

“ 이 강력한 연극을 만드는 것은 예술적 이론이 아니라 각 극의 몰입감이 있는 경험이다. Billy Clark, Jason Trucco, Park Il Kyu 감독은 비디오, 전통 무대, 변화하는 환경을 이용하여 각각의 작품을 훌륭하게 조율하여 각 작품에 관객을 몰입하게 한다. ”
— Gay City News

In the 1960s and 1970s, playwright Robert Patrick led an underground theatre movement that questioned the future through a series of quirky, minimalist science fiction plays. For La MaMa’s 55th season, CultureHub and SeoulArts re-staged these original plays by one of La MaMa’s first playwrights, not as vintage nostalgia, but as startlingly contemporary works far ahead of their time that allow us to see our digital lives in a whole new light:

Action an emerging and an established writer are caught in a feedback loop leaving it unclear who is generating who.

Camera Obscura features two lovers trying to connect through networked screens, resulting in crossed questions, crooked answers, and a surprise resolution.

All In The Mind previews a world where individual consciousness has been interconnected into a collective web of telepathic communication.

Simultaneous Transmissions is a short play about us and them. Two families face off and due to their mistrust and fear of each other their sons are sent into battle to pay the ultimate price. The script is funny, absurd and painfully relevant.

Anything Is Plausible is a new, world-premiere comedic monologue delivered by an actor who may or may not be a virtual creation. In a world where any actor can be replaced by computer generated animations.

뉴욕 / 라 마마 실험창작단
Robert Patrick - 극작
Billy Clark & Jason Trucco - 감독
Mattie Barber-Bockelman - 제작 매니저
Joe Levasseur - 조명 디자인
Sangmin Chae - 비디오 캡처, 편집
John Dyer - 라이브 사운드 작곡가
John King - 사전 녹음 된 사운드
Wolfgang Gil - 멀티 채널 사운드 스페셜리스트
앙상블 -Agosto Machado, John Gutierrez, Harold Lehmann, Valois Marie Mickens, Yeena Sung
SeoulArts Production Assistants - Youngsun Lim, Boran Kim, Sujeong Kim, Jisu Nam, Injeong Jo, Geunwoo Koo, Subin Kim

서울 / 서울예술대학교
Park Il Kyu - 감독
Manhong Kang - 서울예술대학교와 텔레마틱 공연 앙상블

서울예술대학교 교수진
Billy Clark, Park Il Kyu, Manhong Kang