안산 캠퍼스, 서울예술대학교
1962년 극작가 유치진(Chi Jin Yoo)에 의해 설립된 서울예술대학교는 한국을 대표하는 예술교육기관으로, 15개 예술 분야에서 3,000명 이상의 학생과 창의적인 전문가를 교육하고 있습니다.
Seoul Arts is a private, non-profit institution of higher learning located in the city of Ansan, South Korea, with a satellite campus located in Namsan, a neighborhood in downtown Seoul. A driving force in the Korean art and culture scene, the Institute has produced many well-known artists working in a variety of artistic fields. Seoul Arts has four primary goals that drive its educational and programmatic initiatives: to provide an educational environment that is both creative and global, to focus on collaboration and interdisciplinary work that preserves traditional Korean culture in new forms, to strengthen cooperation between industry and academia, and to support the integration of art and science. The Institute’s partnership with La MaMa and CultureHub enables it to better pursue these core tenets of its educational and artistic mission.