When the onset of the pandemic in March 2020 aligned with the intended opening weekend of Re-Fest, CultureHub shifted the festival to a fully online format, livestreaming artist interviews, exhibition tours, performances, workshops and conversations that reached over 6,000 unique live viewers. As we near the 1 year mark of the pandemic hitting New York City, CultureHub opens Re-Fest 2021, which engages the theme "re-circulation", exploring how we circulate art, ideas, and information both locally and between geographically disparate communities.
In this Live Talk, the CultureHub team will reflect on the creative producing practices that have emerged in our organization and recent collaborations with our local and global community.
La MaMa presents La MaMa LiveTalks, conversations with artists, activists and thought leaders from around the country and around the world who join in discussions about art and life in times of crisis.
Panelists include: DeAndra Anthony, Mattie Barber-Bockelman, Sangmin Chae, Billy Clark, Jean Garcia, Iris Yujin Jeong, and Scarlett Kim, Hosted by Ryan Leach
Wednesday, March 17
6:30pm EST / 3:30pm PST
모든 이벤트 목록으로 돌아가기
Earlier Event: March 15
Open Garden
Later Event: March 31
데이터-결합¹: 조형적 반복과정 | Data-Confluences¹: Sculptural Iterations