Ben Hoover는 극작가이자 신경과학자입니다. 그의 연극은 뉴욕, 볼티모어, 오마하, 중국 상하이에서 발표되었습니다. 그의 과학적 연구는 신경 변성의 분자 기초에 초점을 맞추며 신경 외과저널 뉴런 (Neuron)과 신경 화학 저널에 발표 되었습니다.
“Much of the work I do as a scientist falls under the category of ‘translational research,’ the multidirectional/nonlinear process of using advances from the lab to improve health of individuals and the general public. My specific focus in the lab is ALS, but as a theater artist, I’m interested in how the methods used in translational research might inform some of the tests within the Experiments in Digital Storytelling program. I am endlessly curious about the overlap between the methodologies used by scientists and theater artists and also about the kind of work that is possible when both disciplines share tools and ways of thinking.”