Allison은 컴퓨터 프로그래머, 시인, 교육자 및 게임 디자이너로, 언어와 컴퓨터가 만날 때 일어나는 특이한 현상들을 다루고 있습니다. 그녀는 NYU의 인터랙티브 통신 프로그램의 조교수로 2008년에 석사 학위를 받았습니다.
“A language model is a machine learning model that predicts the next word in a text. Industrial language models like GPT-3 power everything from search engines to iPhone keyboards. However, such models typically cost thousands of dollars to train, emitting untold amounts of CO2 in the process; their use in the arts is ethically questionable. I propose instead a radically small language model, trained on a low-power microcontroller, only when drawing sufficient energy from solar panels. I’ll use this model to produce computer-generated albas, a poetry genre in which lovers lament the oncoming dawn.”